Sunday, February 20, 2011

WIne, Cheese, Chocolate with a side of games a wine and cheese party, actually it was yesterday but i wanted to share it with you. we wanted to get some friends together and what a great way to bring friends together other than with stinky cheese and the wine that matched them that brought out their 'flavor'. in order to prepare for this party, i went on a hunt to pair cheeses and wines, here is the list that i came up with:

spanish machego- rioja (red)
fontina- chianti (red)
stagnola blu- fine tawny port (red)
roquefort- fine tawny port (red)
guyere- chardonnay (white)
tomme de savoie- pinot gris (white)
morbier- beaujolais (red)
delice de bourgogne- veuve clicquot brut (white sparkling)
gouda- pinot gris (white)
goat cheese brie- bordeaux (red)
parmesan grana padano- chianti (red)
french brie- cabernet sauvignon merlot (red)
sharp cheddar- beaujolais (red)

who knew that you could bond with strangers and friends over the stinkest cheeses!!! it was crazy, how cheese can be an ice breaker!! we also had chocolate fondue and a whole lot of accessories...fruit (strawberries, bananas, pineapple), baguettes, crackers, pretzels, marshmallows, sausage, tomatoes, was a table fit for a king!!!! i was proud of the spread we put together for our friends!!! oh, so along with hosting the party, it was the first time i ate an was huge! i tried it.........hate-ted it (if you watched 'in living color' back in the day you know exactly what i mean, hahaha)!!!!! it was soo salty, which was totally unexpected, slimy, gooey, and then i had the gag reflex...i will never have olives again!!! uuggg!! just thinking about it makes me shiver. i did make an awesome  discovery after hating the olives...marshmallows between two ritz crackers. a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!! the sweet and salty combination was sooo good--the bomb diggity!!!  all in all, i think the party was a success, chilling with old friends and meeting new friends, the conversations flowed the whole night!! and of course a party isn't a party without a couple rounds of taboo, guys against girls, of course!! the set-up might be a little different next time but definitely something i would love to do again!!!


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