Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tajine de Poulet

...eating tajine de poulet with lemon and olives. i met a friend, jh, for dinner at babouche in park slope (i think i'm addicted to all the amazing food in the area). i was undecisive about what i wanted to eat because there were so many things i wanted to try. in the end, i settled on tajine de poulet aka moroccan stew chicken. i didn't know what moroccan stew was but i wanted to taste it and yooooo this joint was soooo a-mazing!!!  first of all it came out in the slow simmering pot it was cooked in...the tajine was piping hot, it steamed through the entire meal, i was blowing my food to the last delicious bit!!! it was soo good. all of seasoning, spices (cinammon, saffron, ginger, paprika, pepper, and turmeric) and flavor. the chicken was so tender, so soft, it melted in my mouth!!! they have tajine de d'agneau (lamb stew), tajine de poisson (fish stew), and tajine de legumes (vegetable stew)... so whatever mood you find yourself in, they have a stew for it!!

1 comment:

  1. Did you ask them what seasonings were in the food, or is your palate just that sophisticated?
