Monday, March 7, 2011

Red Velvet Pancakes

...making red velvet pancakes. i'm gonna share something with velvet cake is my most favorite-est cake in the whole wide world!!!!! a couple months ago my friend, dc, posted on facebook that she had the recipes for red velvet pancakes so of course i asked her for it and she was nice enough to give it to me. now months later, i finally found the time and all the ingredients i needed (who knew buttermilk and red food coloring were so scarce in brooklyn) and i made my red velvet pancakes with a side of bacon....of course!!! they were unbelievably, deliciously, amazingly, awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! the recipe was perfect!!! the pancakes were the perfect combination of chocolate, cinnamon, butter and sugar!! they were seriously sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooddddd!!!! how could i have gone through life for so long without eating something so good???!!! i wish i could make red velvet pancakes for the entire world!!!! oh and you know the bacon was good too (my first favorite-est food of all time. love bacon- la la la bacon!!!)


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