Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Class!! ohhhhweeeee!!

...flying first class!!! so, this past weekend i flew to buffalo out of jfk airport and as my boarding pass was swiped, the ticket agent let me know i had been upgraded from 7A to 4A. i asked her what that meant, she said that my seat was moved up. then i said, what if i don't want to sit there...she just i boarded the plane, i counted the rows and realized i DID want to see in seat 4A!!!! i was sitting in first class!!!!!!! there was a bottle of water waiting for me at my seat, along with a pillow and a blanket. when i sat down, there was plenty of room for my feet, hahaha!! (if you know me, you know how much of a joke this is!!) even before the plane took off, the flight attendant asked me if i wanted something to drink and when i was given something to drink it was in a glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was un-be-lieve-able!!!!!!! ok it was hard to keep my composure, i've been flying for years and this has never happened to me. this was the best 58 mins flight of my life!!!!!! i wish i was rich enough to fly first class all the time but 'til i'm upgraded again i will savor this experience!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Wheel Throwing Pottery

...taking a pottery class. i think almost every women that has seen the movie 'ghost' has wanted to try wheel pottery. thanks to living social i was able to take an introduction class for either a handbuilding or wheel throwing class at la mano pottery. it went to the class thinking that i would come home with all sorts of creative goodies, however this class was an introduction and we were just getting a feel for the clay on the wheel and learning the basics. it actually takes a while before pottery is complete and we wouldn't finish in the 2.5 hour class.  first we learned about wedging. this is the process of kneading the clay to make it homogenous or getting rid of the air bubbles that are in the clay. when were were given a ball of clay and before you can make exciting creations you have to center the clay of the wheel. it took me the entire class to finally get the hang of centering the clay on the wheel. once i was able to pass that step, i thoroughly enjoyed myself and the time flew by. i wish i had money to spare, i would definitely take the 8 week course. this is something that i got the hang of quickly and i don't want to toot my own horn but i think i was pretty good. with a little more direction, i think i would be really, really good so i think i'm going to try to nurture my craft!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Zico Passionfruit Coconut Water

...drinking zico passionfruit coconut water. so. nasty. never the twain should have met. that's it, sooorryyyyy!!!!


Yankees vs. Rockies

...going to a yankee game, well acutally i went this past saturday with some friends. we had great seats in the sun sitting on the first level!! this is closet i've ever been to a basball field. the new stadium is niiiiice (not that i went to the old stadium to compare it to)!!! the seats are cushioned, i felt like i could sit there forever. i don't watch sport on tv because i feel like the commericals drag out the whole thing, however without the commericals, it didn't seem as long! i even got to do the wave for the first time!!! it was sooo cool. of course, the yankees won the game (vs. colorado rockies 8-3). i thoroughly enjoyed myself and would love to go to another baseball game... maybe i'll hit citifield, let's see if the mets are as exciting as the yankees....


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Apartment Hunting

...going to an open house for an apartment. so i'm getting ready for my upcoming move and though i have a couple months before i really need to start looking seriously i saw an ad today that i was interesting. i called the number on the ad and when i finally spoke to lady from the ad, she told me that they were having a open house and though i wasn't ready to move i should stop and take a look. wellllll..... it----was-----interesting. i must say it was on a beautiful block in the bedford-stuyvesant area of brooklyn (i love love love that area). it's really weird saying this but at the age of 30, i've never picked any place that i've lived, never had a say, so this is a huge first for me and i have a list (it's not that long) of things that i want and so not want.  immediately walking into the apartment, i didn't like it. at the front door, on my left was the bathroom (literally), behind that was the kitchen with absolutely no counter space. my first thought was how will i cook or bake cookies with no counter space????!!!! the rest of the apartment was ok, i did like the exposed brick (the only plus of this apartment) but i was in a weird spot. i definitely knew this one wasn't the apartment for me but i have a few months to find exactly what i'm looking for!!!! I'M SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Miso Soup

...drinking/eating (which one is it?) and hating miso soup. when i ordered sushi for lunch today and it was part of my lunch special so i decided to try it. soooo let me ask you something...have you ever had shoes that got so wet that it got to your toes, you took them off poured water back into the shoes and then drank it...nasty huh?! well that's what this miso soup tasted like!!! no joke!! i'm not a huge fan of soups in general but there are a few that i kind of like but this was the worst soup ever!!! this was my first miso soup, so i'm hoping that this was just a bad batch of dirty water and that not all miso soup taste like this, so i'll try it one more time....dun dun dun.....


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wine Class #3- Pairings

...taking a wine class. this evening i took a wine class at brooklyn oenology in williamsburg, brooklyn (of course!). it was soooo much fun and interesting. one thing that i loved about boe is that everything that is sold: wine (all the grapes are grown in ny and the labels on the bottles feature brooklyn artists (sooo cool)), cheese, meat, or other snacks are made in new york, quite a bit of them even made in brooklyn (i'm totally down for supporting the n.y. economy!!) the owner of the boe was the one to lead the wine class which was on pairing wine, cheese and cured meat. she put together 5 pairings for us.

wine: 2009 boe friend riesling (seneca lake, finger lakes)
meat: finochietta, salumeria biellese (pork salami, seasoned with fennel seed and fennel pollen)
cheese: kunik (triple cream, white mold ripened from goats milk and jersey cow cream)
**best pairing**

wine: 2007 boe chardonnay (cutchogue, north fork of long island)
meat: cacciatorini, salumeria biellese (coarse ground, air cured pork sausage, seasoned with red wine and garlic)
cheese: barat, sprout creek farm (raw cow's milk--dense and dry)

wine: 2009 boe cabernet franc rose (seneca lake, finger lake)
meat: salami toscana, salumeria biellese (coarsely ground berkshire pork shoulder, seasoned with traditional tuscan spices)
cheese: frere fumant, 3 corner field farm (raw sheep's milk)

wine: 2006 boe merlot (cutchgue/ southold, north fork of long island)
meat: ciacciatorini al diavolo, salumeria biellese (seasoned with mediterranean spices)--quite spicy
cheese: eden, sprout creek farm (raw cow's milk)--stinky

wine: 2009 bouke perlant (mattituck/cutchogue/southold, north fork of long island)
sweet: better brittle west-african style peanut brittle-- the bomb diggity!!!!!!!! best peanut brittle ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so of course i tried everything, and it was crazy how the wines complimented the meats and cheeses they were paired with. though i would probably never eat cheese made from sheep's milk on my own, with this cabernet franc it was so delicious!! that one was definitly a surprise.  the first pairing was the best of the four. the wine was tasty, i liked the creaminess of the cheese (tasted almost like soft cream cheese) and the meat was a great compliment. i even learned a few things: 1. spicy foods go great with sweet wines. 2. rose= red wine + white wine. 3. rose wines are made from bleeding the skins of red grapes. bleeding the skins for a small amount of time= rose. bleeding the skins for a long period of time= red. 4. dry wine= no sugar is added to the wine. there are a couple that i would definitely buy in the future but i didn't buy any wines this time. however, i did buy some treats made in new york/brooklyn ... peanut brittle, bourbon-coffee caramel corn with candied bacon popcorn, and sweet potato chips (i am salivating just telling you about them! i can't wait til tomorrow so i can eat them!!). the owner was interesting and informative causing me to thoroughly enjoy myself during this experience. this is totally something i would like to do again!
