Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yankees vs. Rockies

...going to a yankee game, well acutally i went this past saturday with some friends. we had great seats in the sun sitting on the first level!! this is closet i've ever been to a basball field. the new stadium is niiiiice (not that i went to the old stadium to compare it to)!!! the seats are cushioned, i felt like i could sit there forever. i don't watch sport on tv because i feel like the commericals drag out the whole thing, however without the commericals, it didn't seem as long! i even got to do the wave for the first time!!! it was sooo cool. of course, the yankees won the game (vs. colorado rockies 8-3). i thoroughly enjoyed myself and would love to go to another baseball game... maybe i'll hit citifield, let's see if the mets are as exciting as the yankees....


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