Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Class!! ohhhhweeeee!!

...flying first class!!! so, this past weekend i flew to buffalo out of jfk airport and as my boarding pass was swiped, the ticket agent let me know i had been upgraded from 7A to 4A. i asked her what that meant, she said that my seat was moved up. then i said, what if i don't want to sit there...she just i boarded the plane, i counted the rows and realized i DID want to see in seat 4A!!!! i was sitting in first class!!!!!!! there was a bottle of water waiting for me at my seat, along with a pillow and a blanket. when i sat down, there was plenty of room for my feet, hahaha!! (if you know me, you know how much of a joke this is!!) even before the plane took off, the flight attendant asked me if i wanted something to drink and when i was given something to drink it was in a glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was un-be-lieve-able!!!!!!! ok it was hard to keep my composure, i've been flying for years and this has never happened to me. this was the best 58 mins flight of my life!!!!!! i wish i was rich enough to fly first class all the time but 'til i'm upgraded again i will savor this experience!!!!

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